Rozen Maiden
Rozen Maiden 2013 – Up Your Puppet Arsenal
The old Rozen Maiden anime chose not to follow the original manga. Instead it invented its own plot, featured a unique Rozen Maiden doll not found in the manga and ended with an open ending. In a yet bolder move Rozen Maiden 2013 ditches the old anime completely, strictly following the manga instead. It also jumps straight to the 8th volume in the manga, a move that will not doubt confuse most of the viewers. Of course, none of these issues hold it back from being one of the best anime to air this season. Continue reading
The Humoristic Summer 2013 Anime Season Preview
The summer 2013 anime season is upon us and what better way to introduce you to it than with a humoristic season preview! This preview is low on true facts but high on the fun factor. Better yet, it implicitly tells you what is the target audience for each series, helping you decide which series is right for you. Take it with a huge grain of salt, and a smile. Continue reading