2012 Autumn Anime Season Retrospective
The 2012 autumn season was a promising one. It had many fresh series, some of which turned out to be good against all odds. But as always there are a few bad series in the mix and one undeniable ugly series that – if you let it – will waste your time for one thousand and one nights. Continue reading
Autumn 2012 Anime Season Digest – Half Point
A wise old man once said: “with a great season of anime comes great responsibility”. Okay, maybe he didn’t. Nevertheless after arguably two slow seasons we are finely experiencing a flood of quality anime. Some I will be writing about for the first time. Others I’ve already covered in my first impression posts and will check back and see how they fare. Continue reading
First Impression: Btooom!
Sometimes I find myself weary of watching yet another colorful series about friendship or school clubs. One of the remedies to counter such weariness is to watch a darker, melancholic and violent series. One that starts with a grim reality and bluntly informs you that even more suffering and evil awaits you on the road ahead. Btooom! is one such series. Continue reading