
Five Unlicensed Anime You Shouldn’t Miss

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Each year tens of anime series air on Japanese television. Most of the good ones (and some of the bad) get licensed in the U.S. and find their way into our homes. But what about the great anime of the aughts that for some reason or another never got licensed? Here are five unlicensed anime series you shouldn’t miss. Continue reading »

Anime Of The Future

Read or Die Rehabilitation

The arrival of a new season filled with anime is nice. Reading about awesome series coming out in the near future is also nice. But here in Anime Reviews we think even further and we’ve come up with a list of five titles that we believe will be released in the far future. The challenge here was to find five series which haven’t even been announced, yet have a very big chance of coming our way in a year, or two, or three. We present you with the anime of the future. Continue reading »

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