Is Moe Contributing To Anime?
There exist acquired tastes in life. Flavors you might not have liked before but now feel an urge to experience from time to time. And they grows on you, like that itch for spicy food or the craving for just on more cup of coffee. Such is moe – an acquired taste for some and that piece of dreaded spinach for others. There’s no denying that moe is a money-printing machine that will continue to play a big part in the visual styles of anime in the years to come. But is moe contributing to anime? And where exactly do we draw the fine line between suggestive moe and outright hentai? Continue reading
Young Animator Training Project 2012 Short Films Review
I’ve recently watch the four short anime films that took part in the young animator training project 2012. So were they any good? And what exactly is this project? Continue reading
The Reasons Why An Anime Series Can’t Be As Popular As The Game Of Thrones
A few days ago while writing the Twelve Kingdoms Blu-ray review I was again troubled by one of the hardest questions anime fans and anime production companies all face. That question being: how come modern anime series never become big hits in the West? The Twelve Kingdoms, for example, is remarkably similar to the Games of Thrones TV series. So how come one slipped completely under the mainstream radar while the other took mainstream viewers by storm?
Let’s use these two series as representatives of their respective mediums and inspect what holds back anime from becoming a consistent blockbuster on American soil. Continue reading
Kokoro Connect’s Last Story Arc Deals With Personas And Masks
In the unaired (Blu-ray only) last story arc of Kokoro Connect Taichi and the rest of the literature club are given a devastating blow. This time around they are affected by a phenomenon called “emotional transmission” that randomly transmits their thoughts telepathically to the other without their consent. Initially the members of the literature club believe this to be an easy task to overcome. That is until they hear Nagase’s inner voice and discover that her cheerful and playful personality was just a pretense – a false persona she adopted in order to appear more likable in the eyes of others. Continue reading