FUNimation Will Be Spreading Some Anime Love In July
Remember all of those classic anime series that FUNimation rescued from ADV and Geneon? Well, prepare for some good news because FUNimation is preparing to release a couple of these and has a few more surprises coming your way.
According to TRSI FUNimation plans to go all-out in July. It will be releasing new stuff like Panty and Stocking (DVD), Hetalia season 4 (DVD) as well as the second collection of Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood on Blu-ray and DVD, El Cazador de la Bruja (DVD), and yet another reprint of Sacred Blacksmith (also on DVD). More interestingly, Strike Witches fans will be delighted to hear that a Blu-ray/DVD combo of the first season will be coming their way.
But this is not the reason why I am happily prancing around in my step shoes all over the room right now (That’s a lie. I’m not). It’s because FUNimation will also be rereleasing some classic titles that anime fans have been patiently waiting for for a long time. Yes, finally Ergo Proxy, Ai Yori Aoshi, Girls Bravo, and Armitage will be available again (in normal great prices). All will be released on DVD in July. TSRI has listed Ai Yori Aoshi as “DVD Complete Series (Hyb)” which means it will probably retain its English dub from the Geneon release. Furthermore the title runtime is listed as 900 minutes across 6 DVDs, which means the probability that it will contain both Ai Yori Aoshi and the sequel Ai Yori Aoshi Enishi is high. Ergo Proxy will also have its English dub intact. The Armitage release is listed as 3 DVDs…even though there are only 2 movies?
All in all very good news. Those who wish to know more about out-of-print classics that deserve a rerelease can check out the Top 10 Forgotten Anime List, in which both Ai Yori Aoshi and Ergo Proxy were mentioned.