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Ghost in the Shell: Arise offers a refreshing change to the formula
I’m a big fan of Ghost in the Shell and the intellectual stimulus it injects into the anime world. The… ∞

The Moe Manifesto Review
Any contemporary anime viewer has, to some extent, been exposed to moe in one form or the other. Moe can… ∞

A first look at Death Parade
In 2012 we were graced with a unique short film called Death Billiards, which aired as part of the Young… ∞

2014 Autumn Anime Season Retrospective
The 2014 autumn anime season had a few excellent shows with high production values. It also had a considerable amount of low profile shows… ∞

Hanasaku Iroha: Home Sweet Home Review
I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Hanasaku Iroha: Home Sweet Home is not about the Kissuoiso. Unlike the… ∞

2014 Autumn Anime Season Half Point
The 2014 autumn anime season is one of the strongest, most robust, anime seasons in memory. As a result the offerings this… ∞

Welcome To The Nendoroid Freak Show!
Good Smile Company's Nendoroid figure line has been with us for some years now. It had its fair share of… ∞

Fall 2014 Anime Season Trailers
The fall 2014 anime season is here and its time to catch up on what's new and hot. So we've… ∞

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Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt Kneesocks By Yamato And Good Smile Company’s Spiderman
Hi all, long time no see! Oh boy, have I got a nice figure for you today. It's Kneesocks from Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt! But first, since the Amazing… ∞